Problem Statement:
When the result of a PIX registration for a Patient has either a DEMOG-0017 or DEMOG-0022 error code on a PDS Trace, the Patient will be assigned a ‘failed’ tag with one of the following diagnostics:
Unable to register patient xxxxxxxxxx. Personal Demographics Service (Spine) returned the following response: DEMOG-0017 - NHS Number Superseded. error type: permanent
Unable to register patient xxxxxxxxxx. Personal Demographics Service (Spine) returned the following response: DEMOG-0022 - NHS Number of response record has been invalidated. error type: permanent
However, any subsequent PIX Registration attempt will result in an ‘error’ tag, with the diagnostic of “SMSP Error (could not create linkage): Patient has a permanently failed PDS trace status - not tracing
This second error provides less detail than the original one (i.e. it doesn’t distinguish between Superseded
and invalidated
. Also, the 'error
' PIX Registration Status tag, means in the default config for the Connect Appliance they will be resent for attempted PIX Registration every x minutes … but will never be successful, as it is a permanently fail.
User Story:
As a Data Provider, I want these patients to be given a, 'failed
' tag, so that they are not automatically resent for PIX Registration. I also want to see the original detailed reason from the original PDS trace
NOTE: This Idea is very similar to and ... So suggest a single piece of work regarding how best to determine whether something should be an error (
and we can retry) vs a failed
(and we should not retry), and ensure the most appropriate tag / diagnostic message is appended to the Patient in the Local Appliance.