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Interweave Exchange Ideas Portal

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Status Planned
Created by Stephen Handley
Created on Dec 18, 2024

PIX Registration Status tag for DEMOG-0017 or DEMOG-0022 errors

Problem Statement:

When the result of a PIX registration for a Patient has either a DEMOG-0017 or DEMOG-0022 error code on a PDS Trace, the Patient will be assigned a ‘failed’ tag with one of the following diagnostics:

  • Unable to register patient xxxxxxxxxx. Personal Demographics Service (Spine) returned the following response: DEMOG-0017 - NHS Number Superseded. error type: permanent

  • Unable to register patient xxxxxxxxxx. Personal Demographics Service (Spine) returned the following response: DEMOG-0022 - NHS Number of response record has been invalidated. error type: permanent

However, any subsequent PIX Registration attempt will result in an ‘error’ tag, with the diagnostic
of “SMSP Error (could not create linkage): Patient has a permanently failed PDS trace status - not tracing”.

This second error provides less detail than the original one (i.e. it doesn’t distinguish between Superseded and invalidated. Also, the 'error' PIX Registration Status tag, means in the default config for the Connect Appliance they will be resent for attempted PIX Registration every x minutes … but will never be successful, as it is a permanently fail.

User Story:

As a Data Provider, I want these patients to be given a, 'failed' tag, so that they are not automatically resent for PIX Registration. I also want to see the original detailed reason from the original PDS trace

NOTE: This Idea is very similar to and ... So suggest a single piece of work regarding how best to determine whether something should be an error (and we can retry) vs a failed (and we should not retry), and ensure the most appropriate tag / diagnostic message is appended to the Patient in the Local Appliance.

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