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Interweave Exchange Ideas Portal

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Status Planned
Created by Stephen Handley
Created on Dec 10, 2024

PIX Registration Status tag for DEMOG-9999 - Generic Spine Service Errors

Problem Statement:
Occasionally, when performing a PIX Registration it will error with the diagnostic “Unable to register patient xxxxxxxxxx. Personal Demographics Service (Spine) returned the following response: DEMOG-9999 - Generic Spine Service Errors. error type: temporary“ ... in this scenario the Patient is updated with a 'failed' PIX Registration Status tag.

Experience has shown that these error are genuinely temporary, and id resubmitted will either result in a successful trace, or a PDS mismatch error. However the default settings in Connect on sends Patients with either a pending or error tag (not failed)

User Story:
As a Data Provider, I want patient that fail with the DEMOG-9999 temporary error, to be given a, 'error' tag, so that they are automatically resent for PIX Registration.

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