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Interweave Exchange Ideas Portal

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Planned
Created by Stephen Handley
Created on Dec 10, 2024

PIX Registration Status tag for Patients with an ‘S' Flag in the Spine.

Problem Statement:

When a Patient has an 'S' Flag in spine, PIX Registration it will error with the diagnostic “ "This person has raised an objection and that objection is valid"“ ... in this scenario the Patient is updated with a 'error' PIX Registration Status tag, which means in the default config for the Connect Appliance they will be resent for attempted PIX Registration every x minutes.

Given a re-trace will not resolve this issue (unless the the 'S’ flag as been removed since the previous attempt, which is highly unlikely), these patient will continue to fail, and will just clog up the registration process with genuine attempts.

User Story:

As a Data Provider, I want patient that fail with this error, to be given a, 'failed' tag, so that they are not automatically resent for PIX Registration

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