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Interweave Exchange Ideas Portal

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Planned
Created by Stephen Handley
Created on Dec 24, 2024

PIX Registration: Invalid Patient.generalPractitioner ODS Code on PDS

Problem Statement:

When registering a patient as part of the PIX process, if the Organization referenced in the Patient.generalPractitioner does not already exist in the system, it will be looked up via the NHS Service in order to add it, by making the following call:{ODS_Code}.
However, if that request fails (e.g. code does not exist or is invalid), the Regional Patient will not be created / PIX Registration Fail, and the provider will receive an "SMSP Error (could not create linkage): Body is unusable" error. This prevents the data provider from being able to share important health and care information they hold on an individual, with other data consumers in the ICS.

User Story:
As an End User I want to be able to see information held by local data providers, even if the GP ODS code held on spine cannot be looked up on the NHS ODS Service.
The GP Information in the Patient Banner should state 'unknown' (or similar). And there should be a message on the GP Data tab, stating that no GP Data is available as the GP is unknown

See ICR-4048 for examples

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