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Interweave Exchange Ideas Portal

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Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 12, 2024

Manually match person records

Do you think a function could be introduced for Health and Social Care organisations to identify and record manual matched people/patient records?

We have some very obvious matches but the people/patients have not or will not contact their GPs to change their NHS record. That maybe due any number of reasons, such as GPs not responding, person not able to contact the GP due to frail condition etc. etc.

I can understand that automatic matching as suggested in ICR-2692 for the many different scenarios will be difficult and a huge overhead. And I am thankful Steve has improved the PIX errors report.

A manual match will help overcome the issues. That way we can share the information about the person with local health partners digitally. We only have about a 100 records where this matching will be necessary. I expect the function will help other social care teams too, and maybe even some health organisations as well.

Related to .... ICR-2692 LLRCR - Improve patient data matching to reduce PIX errors

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